Monday, December 22, 2008

Wakeup Call

Is Anything gone wrong?
We are deaf with indifference, and the Mumbai blasts should be loud enough to wake us up.
Wake us up to understand : what has become of us - us as a nation!
Will you pay donation to get your child educated at that elite school?
Or will you compromise on her education?
Will you pay bribe to get that seat in the railway compartment?
or Will you suffer the discomfort of standing and travelling?
Will you pay the 100/- to traffic inspector and save time and money?
or Will you instead park on the side, settle the fine, waste time and money?
Will you watch that nice movie available on the net?
Or wait like a fool for three months before the DVD is officially released?
Will you be street smart or a dumb person? Which one will you be?

So what can I do?
We ask what the politicians are doing, what is police doing, what has happened to this world?
We never ask - what has become of us? What has happened? Why has our core competency of being adjusting in nature has become our core rigidity of "chalta hai". Everything goes - we take everything in our stride!
Corruption has set in every small thing - it has become part of us - we don't even feel now that somethings are bad!
Imagine, from where will the policemen, armymen, the workforce will be drawn from?
From us - they are us - they inherit our core rigidity of "chalta hai" from us.
How can we expect them to be suddenly holy and saintly?

Still, what can I do?
So,what can I do - can I be foolish - as the world overtakes me - acts street smart?
Am I a weakling? What is in it for me NOT to be corrupt? No one catches me - and its all in so small things - no one minds?
Why shall I do anything about corruption? I cannot be a martyr - you see - I have my company to run, my family to take care, my responsibilities to fulfill.

But if I still don't wake up - what else do I need?
What if my family was in Taj that fateful day?
Isn't this a grim enough reminder, that forget conscience, forget duty, forget responsibility, just for my own sake - it is high time that I stop being corrupt.
The fight has come to my home - I need to stop this corruption - and I have the power to do it.
If each one of stop being corrupt in small things - there could still be a difference made.
Let the feeling of guiltcome back into corruption. Let that ticket checker, that traffic inspector feel ashamed in asking for a bribe.
Stop corruption, be awake - please now before its too late


Aravind said...

At first it sounds a little contradictory - how can one call our flexibility (chalta hai attitude) as our core-rigidity? But after thinking a little more I agree that it really a core rigidity of our nation/culture.

While I agree to all you say regarding our core rigidity, I'm not able to relate this to Mumbai terror attacks. Cultures which do not share the same rigidity also face the terror problems. I think root of the terror problem is some where else - probably social and economic disparity is one reason.

On the other hand, take the Satyam financial scandal – here I would place our chalta hai attitude at the root of the problem. “Yes I played a lot with the account books but I did not really siphon money for my person use” – as though this makes the crime any less.

Sree said...

Insincerity, apathy IS corruption. As citizens, especially we elite ones, are insincere wrt to our role in the democracy - in the election process, in protesting against issues,...

How could Modi get re-elected as the CM after his role in the 2002 Gujarat riots?

How could a construction of a flyover in bangalore take 4 years? And everyday of these 4 years we pass the flyover, take the installed diversions, sometimes even joke about it, but never complain.

How can some 4 year olds be dancing to the drum beats at the traffic signals to earn Rs.50 a day while some 4 year olds are purchasing a Rs.500 worth toy every week?

These are all bigger issues.

As individuals, citizens we are not sincere in small items like Vibhor mentioned. So how are we to, as a nation, fight bigger issues like the above?

So it is not surprising that terrorists attack us so often and like this time round so brazenly!!